Oh look, it seems as if I finally got around to making a blog.
This has taken me a fairly long time to start up. It's a personal thing. I don't do things because I'm too much of a perfectionist, and I throw them onto a queue and slowly deque the tasks as they come- one queue, one thread, one giant eternal list of things to do. I am a perfectionist by nature- I've put up starting my own website for years because I wanted to write my own webserver to do it, putting off making a blog because I had to have a great name for it, and so on. What I've made of my life is a giant tangle, really, because I believe too much of myself. I've literally got my entire wall in front of me as a giant todo list with post-its and chalk scribblings detailing the project ideas which I've put upon myself to get done eventually. I've got so much that I've put on my plate, I'm sure I'll never finish it. That's a problem for me- I use that an excuse. My packrattyness isn't a great part of who I am, but all the same it does keep me busy.
Now I concede- I'll do away with my urge to control how I solidify my presence in cyberspace, and do it the way normal people do.
So, this is my public blog. At this point, I've cut ties with nearly everyone who has ever been somewhat close to me, so I guess "public" loses meaning, but up until this point I've kept every single tiny facet of my life isolated in small compartments- making sure the essences of each don't mix. 2011 is now here, and, along with the many disasters that kicked it off, I present the creation of this blog to sit along side the flooding in Queensland, Brazil, the Phillipines and Sri Lanka, the Tunisian uprising, the Arizona shooting and the proposed Wikileaks trade embargo. However far I screw up, I can at least point to those events and note that at least I wasn't a hundredth as bad as any of those events.
So this blog exists to put my thoughts somewhere safe before I forget them.
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